Virtual Reality

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Friday, 18 March – Sunday, 20 March

Virtual Reality Area

Salle Gripel, Maison de la Culture,
1 Rue Abbé de l’Épée, Clermont-Ferrand

Opening hours:
Friday and Saturday: 9:30 am to 8 pm
Sunday: 9:30 am to 6 pm

Free access, from 13 years old

Discover a selection of films and experiences in virtual reality in a space dedicated to a unique production in this field. VIDEOFORMES stands out from the productions of the film and video game industries and offers you a selection marked by its singular stamp, which is the strength and interest of its programming.

In partnership with Christophe Bascoul member of the ACATR (Association pour la Création d’Animation Temps Réel).

Il Canto Dei Suicidi | Vincent Ciciliato & Christophe Havel | 2020 | France, Italy

Il canto dei suicidi is an immersive project freely inspired by the Canto XIII of Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. The original story informs us that the souls of suicides are plunged into Hell, reincarnated as trees with sinuous branches. Condemned to this eternal fixity, these half-human half-vegetal entities sustain the appetite of the harpies who devour their branches. Il canto dei suicidi is based on various patterns present in Dante’s story : the perpetual cycle of punishment ; the reincarnation in plants ; the amputation by devouring ; the domination of the harpies ; the separation of souls from their bodies when they return to Earth on the Day of Judgment. To these are added two elements : 1, the act of suicide ; 2, the period preceding the act. These motifs are re- contextualized in a unitary musical and visual environment.

More informations:

Production ART ZOYD – Centre de création musicale, with the support of SCAM (bourse Brouillon d’un rêve) and CIEREC – EA3068.

I will sleep when I’m dead | Jeanne Susplugas | 2020 | France

« I will sleep when I’m dead » several words borrowed from Bon Jovi reveal a lot about Jeanne Susplugas’ work, the brain and our thoughts, so difficult to tame.
Thanks to the «techno-magic» of virtual reality, the viewer dives into a skull amongst neurons and synapses, gets lost in an infinite maze and crosses paths with «thoughts» materialized by drawings looking like pictograms. It is an intimate head to head, almost psychoanalytical which introduces an intense and unique experience.
Submerged in the brain, tortuous, sometimes foggy, the audience will have to follow, at their convenience several journeys related to their thoughts. According to a bundle of «narratives», everyone will be free to experience their own mental journey.

Plus d’information :

Lotus Eaters | Sandrine Deumier | 2021 | France

Immersion in a space suggested at the limit of the visible, Lotus Eaters proceeds from a minimalist aesthetic intended to position the user in a form of altered perception in order to refocus on minor and in nitesimal things.
The immersive device used, speci c to the virtual reality format, allows to explore new narrations and to experiment new states of attention.
Consisting in a combination of different landscapes to explore, the vir- tual environment is dotted with portals and passages giving access to different narrative scenes. These multiple scenes are ritual narratives and function as processes of reconnection to the living world.
Each scene describes a particular story.

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Mind Cathedral | Teresa Wennberg | 2018 | Sweden

Mind Cathedral is a gigantic abstract VR construction, consisting of enormous pillars seemingly thrown on to and over one another, creating a kind of mental vertigo. They are hollow, so if one goes through a wall – a wonderful possibility in the virtual world – one will find oneself inside fantastic room formations, unknown sensations of space, not conceivable in the “real” world, yet acceptable and believable, an architects nightmare, very exciting to explore.  Also, a demonstration of the capacity of the human brain to ever adapt itself to new confrontations. What is more, as we advance in this unknown territory, the world itself constantly changes and turns into something else – a thrilling riddle and an invitation to let loose the personal fears or limitations of ones mind.

Plus d’information :

The Friend (preview) | John Sanborn | 2022 | USA

The Friend VR is a virtual reality interpretation of John Sanborn’s multi-channel video installation, The Friend, which debuted in March 2021 at VIDEOFORMES 2022, the Digital Arts Festival in France.

The Friend VR invites audiences to explore The Temple of New Thought, a phantasmagorical 3D VR environment where they’ll encounter video projections of the seven sermons delivered by The Friend, profiles and spoken word philosophies of eight Saints of New Thought; and animations of each Saint’s disturbing set of relics. The Temple of New Thought is a mashup of an old-fashioned circus, hot mess drag show with the reverence of traditional devotional spaces. The VR experience is intentionally unbalanced and surreal and as different from physical reality as possible – because this is the world of The Friend, and he demands it be so.

The Friend VR was commissioned by ZKM.

More informations:

Algorithmic Nature

Algorithmic Nature is one of the few applications for the Hololens 2 that emphasizes taking the environment into account by scanning it. The interaction is not only with the user but also with the walls, the ceiling. The German studio Prefontal Cortex creates many projects in VR/AR/MR.

Kingspray Graffiti

Graffiti is a good example of how to take into account the enaction in VR. The creation of graffiti is primarily a problem of gestures. Graffiti puts us in the place of a real graffiti artist, the paint cans are those they use, the environments are industrial, etc.. It is also possible to play with several players in order to launch paint battles.


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