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Video competition
SUNDAY, March 20 - 2:30 PM
Salle Boris-Vian, Maison de la Culture, 1 Rue Abbé de l'Épée, Clermont-Ferrand

Unstable Matters / Lisa Kaschubat / 2021 / Germany / 8’20
There is no such thing as one coherent body. We are a multitude, contradicting, overlapping, fading and melting into each other. Corporeality becomes recognisable as a permeable and deformable medium that is threatened by fragmentation and external control. It deals with the sentiment of alienation. Alienation to ourselves and the world we live in. Alienation but also longing at once.

ZIG ZAG, HANDCLAPS IN ALTERNITY / Van Mc Elwee / 2021 / USA / 10’
A series of claps, each creating a new space, echoing through anonymous worlds.

THE NIGHT MANIFESTO / Arthur Lacomblez / 2021 / France / 7’51
The Night Manifesto is a 4-part experimental short film exploring the intimate significance of partying. It draws the portrait of a community, who wonders on Monday what they’ll do on Friday. It’s a celebration of rave culture and nightlife – it’s an ode to all those whose only mean of survival is to dance through the night, their eyes closed in the ecstasy that techno music provides.

L’Ombre Quantique / Frank Ternier / 2021 / France / 8’30
I often write driving my vehicle, I am the thread of an idea and those who follow, I look at the streets scroll … I stop at the fire, I look beyond my mirror. I’m behind this steering wheel?

Contraindre / fleuryfontaine (Galdric Fleury, Antoine Fontaine) / 2020 / France / 11′
We are all prisoners of a nationality, a social condition, a gender, a skin color, to which the police and state repression force us to resign ourselves. This film tells how the bodies suffer, under the blows, the constraint and the humiliation.